[10.09.2012] After the Databank Company to Watch, another prestigious award for the wood coatings multinational. The Renner Italia project “Energy saving in the pay packet” enters by right in the italian Sustainable Development Award, venture of the Sustainable Development Foundation which boasts the membership of the President of the Italian Republic.
The wood coatings multinational headquartered in Minerbio, in the plain of Bologna, has been pointed out among the first 10 companies as part of the contest "Energy and Mobility” and will withdraw the award during the ceremony scheduled on the 9th of November in Rimini (Italy) during the Ecomondo-Key Energy.
The innovative project “Energy saving in the pay packet”, strongly desired by Renner Italia together with the Filctem-Cgil trade union, provides that all workers cooperate in order to reduce the consumption of water, electric power, gas and wastes through a virtuous approach to the daily activities within the company.?From switching the lights off in the offices left temporary vacant to wisely using the water when washing the mixing basins: everyone in Renner Italia is doing his part. Because not only the environment gains from it, but also the employee.. with a direct feedback in the payroll.?In fact, the 50% of what will be saved will reach the salaries. This year’s project has the goal to reduce the consumption by a 10% (approximately 150.000 €)?Assindustria Bologna and Cgil Bologna have reported that this is the first reception in Italy of the European agreement defined “20-20-20”. The innovative element is revealed in the way with which the bonus is counted and distributed. Up until today few companies have provided a one-off recognition to the virtuous departments. None had ever established a proportional link between the containment of waste and the award.?«After the Company to Watch award of the Databank institute that, for the second year in a raw has celebrated our company as a successful role model in the industry of wood coatings – has remarked the Renner Italia CEO, Mr. Lindo Aldrovandi -, the mention of the Sustainable Development Fundation certifies that the industrial growth is also supported by paying careful attention to the environmental issues. This certificate makes us proud and comforts us on the goodness of the chosen path».?«In this year-end 2012 – has said Edo Ronchi, president of the Sustainable Development Fundation – Italy continues to go through an unresolved crisis that calls not only for a firm commitment in the public accounts, but also to a credible new ecologically sustainable project of durable development. The green economy could be the axis of this new project and the innovative companies, such as those awarded and reported by this recognition, could have a leading role for future development ». ?The Sustainable Development Award has been given to companies that have distinguished themselves for activities and installations that produce significant environmental benefits, that have an innovative content, with positive economical and occupational effects and that have a potential diffusion in three areas, “waste and resources”, “energy and mobility”, “innovative products and services with high environmental performances”. ?Aside from Renner Italia, among the deserving companies we can count: Policarta from Bassano in Teverina (VT), Poste Italiane and Eco WorldHotel from Milan, but also HERAmbiente from Bologna, Barilla from Parma, Carlsberg Italia from Lainate (Milan).