The secret is the recipe. And the recipe of Renner Italia’s wood coatings is unique. This was the theme of first Renner Polska day, held on 21st of October in Warsaw. Event gathering Poland sales team.

On the stage, Giovanni Ciafrè sent the greetings in the stead of Renner Italia’s CEO, Lindo Aldrovandi.
Giovanni Ciafrè also focused on the capacity to respond of Renner laboratory. «Our laboratory is able to develop 5 new formulas each day», he reminded.
«I want to underline the fascination of adventure which all of us share inside Renner Polska – said once again Giovanni Ciafrè -: an adventure which we take on together, at the side of the client to which we offer solutions»

Afterwards, Poland area manager Domenico Colotti presented the most wanted products of the market. Renner Polska responsible, Wojciech Wójcik, the deserved emphasis to the team. For Rio Verde products, Simona Scida outlined the ecofriendly features of the coatings.

Guests gathered at Hilton Double Tree had the opportunity to be “teleported” inside Minerbio plants (in Bologna) thanks to the exclusive virtual experience recently presented at Sicam fair.

Toast based on vodka. But non whichever. Because the secret is the recipe.