[01.30.2014] “They are not typical ‘green’ companies, they operate in the most diverse fields with the same common denominator: sustainability, innovation, vision of the future and relationship with the territory is their trademark, their added value.” Renner Italia, with its wood coatings, is included with full rights in the ‘Virtuous companies compared’ described by Giuseppe Tripaldi, Operation Director of Asset Camera, in the article published in the February issue of ‘Formiche’. Formiche is an Italian monthly magazine that through analysis, comments and descriptions, deals with political, economic and environmental issues. In his analysis, Tripaldi writes: “The ability to look forward secure to companies a sustainability which is not only environmental, but also economic. Being a “green” company means also being an “optimistic” company, because you must have trust in your presence in the future to see your development in a long and medium term”.
And here stands the example of Renner Italia, “chemical company set in Minerbio, born from the efforts of some employees coming from another company after it had been reorganized” – Tripaldi writes – that over some years have led Renner to achieve outstanding results, both in Italy and abroad. Renner, in accordance with the unions, linked to the reduction of the environmental impact a bonus for the employees, adding a considerable share of the savings derived from environmental policy to their salary.
According to the Director of Asset Camera, Renner Italia is one of the companies that “prove that the ‘Premio Impresa Ambiente’ (Company Environment Prize) is useful to outline a cross-section of Italian Companies characterized not only by their being “green companies”, but also by a drive towards innovation and the strong will to be at the core of the changing processes of the system: technological, process, product and management innovation.”
“It is for this will – Giuseppe Tripaldi concludes on ‘Formiche’- that many of these companies were less affected than others by the economic crisis, which proves that the ability to look forward secure environmental and economic sustainability”.