Renner Italia’s special effects for the exhibition celebrating Giorgio Morandi

3 June 2014

[06.03.2014] There is a bit of Renner Italia in the exhibition "Caro Giorgio… " ("Dear Giorgio…") held in Bologna at Grand Hotel Majestic from June 18th to June 28th 2014. Fifty years after the death of one of the main artists of the 20th century, Maurizia Piazzi’s paintings pays homage to Giorgio Morandi by reinterpreting his well-known still-life paintings. His jugs, fruit, flowers fixed in the eternity of unchanging time gain new meanings thanks to a delicate reworking of Morandi’s art.

What does Renner have to do with Maurizia Piazzi’s exhibition?

Let’s have a look behind the scenes. The jugs immortalized by the painter are real glass objects, coated with Renner Italia’s polyurethanic converter, neuter or white coloured with pastes by tintometer.

«I have added a small percentage of our additive for glass in the converter – the researcher Gaia Cesari, Maurizia Pirazzi’s daughter, explains -. Then to smooth the surface I overcoated with a matt soft-touch effect coating. As an alternative, I applied our high-gloss acrylic topcoat, suitable for any aesthetic need in any condition». «For the special effects the artist required – she continues- I applied iridescent, chrome, mother of pearl and ice effect coatings. I finished off with high-gloss acrylic or, as an alternative, a medium-gloss acrylic topcoat».

Maurizia Piazzi’s solo art exhibition will be hosted in a special setting: 100 years ago, in the basement of the former Hotel Baglioni, Giorgio Morandi and other futurist artists had their first collective art exhibition. It was the night between March 20th and March 21st 1914. Today Enoteca Morandi, inside the hotel, commemorates the event.


The vernissage will take place on Wednesday June 18th at 6 p.m. Maurizia Piazzi will welcome the guests with Ugo Carace, Director of the Art Gallery “La Piccola”, and Gian Luigi Zucchini, journalist and art critic.

“Caro Giorgio…”
June 18th-28th 2014 
3 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Grand Hotel Majestic
Via Indipendenza 8, Bologna 

For info and reservations:
Nuova Galleria d'Arte La Piccola 
telephone +39051224172 | mail info@gallerialapiccola.i