From July 2024, the short week at Renner Italy will start: well-being is efficiency

19 June 2024

The news was announced at the end of last year, and now it’s happening. Starting in July 2024, Renner Italia will launch the short workweek. This experimental program will span two years with a gradual reduction in working hours, ultimately reaching 36,5 hours per week, with no changes to salaries or vacation time.

The experimental plan: phases and details

The experimental plan will be divided into four distinct phases:

  • July – December 2024: one Friday per month will have reduced hours.
  • January – June 2025: two Fridays per month will have reduced hours.
  • July – December 2025: three Fridays per month will have reduced hours.
  • January – June 2026: every Friday will have reduced hours.

Short workweek: data-driven vision

The introduction of the short week is supported by numerous studies that highlight the benefits of reduced work hours for both workers and companies. According to a Henley Business School report, 64% of companies that adopted the four-day work week experienced an increase in productivity. In addition, 85% of the companies found an improvement in employee well-being.

Another study conducted in Iceland, where the reduced work week was piloted for more than 2,500 civil servants, showed that workers’ well-being significantly increased, with reduced stress and improved work-life balance.

A survey conducted by Microsoft in Japan during a four-day work week experiment found a 40 percent increase in productivity.

In addition, research conducted by Gallup showed that employees who work fewer hours weekly are twice as likely to be actively involved in their tasks as those with traditional work weeks. These data show how the short week can promote not only worker well-being, but also corporate growth and sustainability.

Positive impacts on health and personal life

Reducing work hours has been shown to have positive effects on employee health. A study published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology found that a shorter work week can reduce burnout levels and improve job satisfaction. In addition, having more free time allows employees to devote more time to family, hobbies and other personal activities, contributing to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

The short workweek, the Italian debate and our vision

In recent months, the short workweek debate has gained momentum in Italy as well. Supporters and critics confront each other on various issues.
On the one hand, those who highlight the health benefits for workers, reduced stress and increased productivity.
On the other, those who express concern about implementation costs and the possibility of decreased competitiveness.
True to its vision, which understands work as «functional for building systems of solidarity, eco-sustainability and widespread happiness», Renner Italia is certain to prove that a balance is possible.

A step toward the future of work

Always at the forefront of labor and welfare policies, Renner Italia believes that the introduction of the short week represents a significant step toward a more sustainable and efficient future of work. We aim not only to improve everyone’s quality of life, but also to demonstrate that it is possible to maintain the highest standards of business productivity.