Policy and goals

Policy and goals The definition and the implementation of a quality, OH&S and environment policy represent one of the corner stones of the corporate policy of Renner Italia S.p.A.

Renner Italia is committed to maintaining its system for quality, safety and environmental management in accordance with the requirements of UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 and UNI EN ISO 14001:2015, and to gradually implement the requirements of UNI ISO 45001:2018.
The Renner Italia quality, safety and environment policy is based on continual improvement of all the company processes, in order to guarantee effective and safe product and services, to protect the interests and the image of the company and of its own customers, in the most complete respect of the health of the workers and of the external environment.

Quality, security and environment

With this primary objective, the Management has defined corporate strategy objectives,
so as to direct and address the company resources in order to achieve the commitments made in the quality,
safety and environment policy. In particular the Renner Italia corporate policy is based on the following key objectives

Attention to the needs of the customers

Renner Italia believes that - in order to maintain and increase its market share - it must focus its attention on the needs of the current and potential clients, making it capable of satisfying the most varied and articulated expectations of the final users.

Maximum attention to environmental protection

Renner Italia has established a strategy that banks on the creation of extremely high-quality coatings with maximum respect of the environment, focussing attention on: developing and distributing water based wood coatings, creating production plants capable of transferring from solvent based coating production to water based ones with simple and rapid maintenance interventions, developing products which do not contain specific substances acknowledged as being hazardous (e.g. lead), Renner Italia has respect for the environment and preventing pollution high on its list of priorities, and works within the laws in force regarding environmental protection. The Management of Renner Italia has decided to gradually extend its management system, so that the environmental impact of the company may be understood and continually improved.


Renner Italia continuously improves its own products and production processes by introducing new technologies and methods in order to obtain for its own customers extremely high-quality state of the art products with respect to what the market has to offer.
For this purpose Renner Italia has chosen to establish partnerships with other companies of the sector, with which it collaborates for developing extremely high-performances raw materials.

The availability of integrated customer support services

Renner Italia does not limit its relations with the customer to only making the products but creates collaborations which go beyond mere supplies, by offering services and consultancy capable of determining and developing the best solutions possible for the customer.

The safety of its own employees

Renner Italia has its own employees’ safety at heart. For this reason the Management of Renner Italia has defined the responsibilities and provided the resources necessary to make the plant a safe place to work. Renner undertakes to prevent accidents and illnesses connected to work.

The quality of the working environment

The Management of Renner Italia is aware that the employees spend a lot of their time in the company and that the quality of this time has a significant influence on their quality of life; thus the Management of Renner Italia undertakes to promote and encourage a friendly and professional working environment and to provide the resources necessary to guarantee an adequate work environment.

Respect of the relevant standards and norms

The Management of Renner Italia undertakes to respect all the applicable binding requirements, including those concerning the products it produces. This includes domestic and European legislation, as well as that of the other countries it exports to, on product safety, transport of goods, notification of dangerous products and starting up corrective interventions.

Managing long term relations

Renner Italia intends to establish long term relations with its customers in order to increase its own competitive advantage.


In order to constantly increase the satisfaction of its own Customers, Renner Italia is structured so that it can respond rapidly to the most diversified requests (e.g. modifications to the products and to the production programmes).

Transparency in relations

Renner Italia establishes advantageous relations for itself and for its own Clients, based on trust, integration, and exchange of knowledge.

Continual improvement

Renner Italia believes that its own long term success has been facilitated by sharing knowledge and by spreading a culture of improvement, innovation and continual learning.