The roots:
in a reborn Italy
The title passes
to Aldrovandi
Between 1987 and 2003, Aldrovandi reinforces an already successful industrial experience.
The brand is well-known. Research is innovative. Activities are hectic. There is no lack of work. Sales increase from 36 billion of old Italian liras (18 million euros) to 100 million euros.
And then, the property passes from English to American owners.
and the Italian dream
In July 2003 a new period begins.New American owners do not agree with Aldrovandi’s choices; they are sure to be better than him. They argue and then Aldrovandi is fired. It is a difficult moment, full of tension and disappointment, but Aldrovandi does not give up.
The friends
and the new beginning
In August 2003, Aldrovandi meets some old friends. On one side Giancarlo Cocchi’s heirs, founder of Aldrovandi’s former company, and on the other Cenacchi’s family, the owners of the Brazilian company Renner Sayerlack, leader in the field of wood coatings in South America.
Aldrovandi wants to start again, to build a new business, to produce coatings again. Actually, he wants to produce the best coatings. To reach this aim he needs somebody who believes in him.
Renner Italia sees the light and Lindo Aldrovandi is obviously at the helm of the new company.
First stone
in Minerbio
Aldrovandi’s politics
Lindo Aldrovandi has establish the 14th month of salary since the beginning, even if this wasn’t provided for by the collective agreement.
Since 2009, a part of the profits is distributed to the workers.
Since 2012, 50% of the energy savings is deposited in the pay check.
Since 2014, Renner Italia’s coatings are produced in plants powered with hydroelectric, aeolian, solar and biomass energy.
Since 2015 the corporate social responsibility initiative “La Buona Vernice” is launched by Renner Italia to support the activities of 10 non- profit associations in the field of solidarity projects, cultural promotion and youth sport promotion.
Since 2018, the company has been supporting young illustrators under 40 yo with its venture “Premio per il Contemporaneo”.
From 2024 Renner workers will experience the short week
Lindo Aldrovandi has establish the 14th month of salary since the beginning, even if this wasn’t provided for by the collective agreement.
Since 2009, a part of the profits is distributed to the workers.
Since 2012, 50% of the energy savings is deposited in the pay check.
Since 2014, Renner Italia’s coatings are produced in plants powered with hydroelectric, aeolian, solar and biomass energy.
Since 2015 the corporate social responsibility initiative “La Buona Vernice” is launched by Renner Italia to support the activities of 10 non- profit associations in the field of solidarity projects, cultural promotion and youth sport promotion.
Since 2018, the company has been supporting young illustrators under 40 yo with its venture “Premio per il Contemporaneo”.
From 2024 Renner workers will experience the short week
Lindo Aldrovandi has establish the 14th month of salary since the beginning, even if this wasn’t provided for by the collective agreement.
Since 2009, a part of the profits is distributed to the workers.
Since 2012, 50% of the energy savings is deposited in the pay check.
Since 2014, Renner Italia’s coatings are produced in plants powered with hydroelectric, aeolian, solar and biomass energy.
Since 2015 the corporate social responsibility initiative “La Buona Vernice” is launched by Renner Italia to support the activities of 10 non- profit associations in the field of solidarity projects, cultural promotion and youth sport promotion.
Since 2018, the company has been supporting young illustrators under 40 yo with its venture “Premio per il Contemporaneo”.
From 2024 Renner workers will experience the short week
There is a whole idea of the world inside a can of Renner Italia coatings.
An idea deeply rooted in our history.
SB plant
Distribution of the 15% of the profit to the employees
Company to watch
Company to watch certification
Energetic savings inside the paycheck
Prize “Impresa Ambiente”
New raw materials storage
Renner Polska is created
New coatings range for parquet Solid
Rennerplast coatings
Zero formaldehyde
Establishment of Renner India
Establishment of Renner UK
First edition of Premio per il Contemporaneo Renner Italia