Happy birthday to Renner Wood Coatings logo, born in Brazil in the summer of 1958 and adopted in 2004 by Renner Italia.
The logo: identity and image of companies
Logo derives from the Greek word λόγος. I.e: word. Today the logo is the identifying mark of a company, a product or a service. It is much more than a graphic sign. The logo carries the weight of the identity and the image. It is concept. It is meaning. It is value.
Since time immemorial, men has communicated through symbols because they help to understand, to interpret and to make the facts unforgettable. Through the same semantic code, tradamarks help companies interact with the world.
60 years of the white horse
In 2018, Renner Wood Coatings trademark celebrates its 60th birthday. The realization of the fearless white thoroughbred is due to the artist and advertising director Nelson Boeira Faedrich, born in Porto Alegre in 1912 and passed away in 1994.
Faedrich, in 1930, turned down Walt Disney’s personal invitation to work inside the Animation Studios. Renner Herrmann Group entrusts the creation of a new trademark to Faedrich, trademark that must hold the main features of the important coatings company.
Freedom, speed and courage of the thoroughbred
First of all, the values of freedom, efficiency and courage. The speed, accessory feature to Renner values, was already inherent to the same company name. Renner in German means “the one who runs“. Phonetically speaking, the palindrome “Renner” works in the same way. It has an accelerated evolution, evoking energy, circularity and technology.

In this way, the horse with the rebellious mane was born. A horse running in the opposite direction to the sense of Western reading and able to contrast the stubborn upstream personality.
Until the end, the thoroughbred is competing against the greyhound, another symbol of speed and reliability. But the Renner Hermann Group prefers the horse, to unquestionably fix the concepts of freedom and strength.
To complete the work, Nelson Boeira Faedrich also draws the name Renner, which from the first version seems to be very modern. It is already written in sans serif character, in block letters, bold diagonalized. The steed, at the end of the fifties, stands out boldly muscular on a black R (placed inside a red shield).
From the red to the blue, running to every continent
Since it lucky birth in 1958, the Renner logo, like any trademark facing the modernity, has been repeatedly restyled.

Until today, in 2007, when the wood coatings sector of Renner Herrmann group definitively assumed the predominant light blue color (pantone cyan process) to represent the sector.

Blue universally means loyalty, creativity and preciousness. It is not a coincidence that Ultramarine, a blue dye made from lapis lazuli, went down in the history of art to be expensive and used only by the great artists.
Some examples are Giotto’s (Cappella degli Scrovegni in Padua) and Michelangelo’s (Last Judgment in the Vatican) skies.
Renner horse after 60 years has lost his muscles, but nevertheless preserved the white color of the concept of purity.
Simultaneously, the cyan process pantone appeared in 2007 with “wood coatings” payoff , in Myriad character, an unquestionably legible character. The name Renner, in a modern reinterpretation of the original Faedrich starting point, has accentuated the bold body , sticks, bent in diagonal arrangement. A typographic choice that pays homage to the successful intuition of the Brazilian artist and which, once again, evokes dynamism.
An fearless gallop with which the coatings of Renner thoroughbred have now become appreciated throughout the world.